Are we eligible for ClubGRANTS?
If you’re a not-for-profit or registered charity servicing the Sutherland Shire local government area, you could be eligible for ClubsGRANT funding from Club Central Menai. Potential applicants should read the ClubsNSW ClubGRANTS Application Guidelines to determine whether they are eligible for ClubGRANTS funding.
Grant Categories
Category 1 – is for specific community welfare projects, social services, community development, community health services and employment assistance activities. Category 1 ClubGRANTS applications take place on an annual basis and are coordinated by Sutherland Shire Council and a committee of community representatives from local registered clubs. Applications for the 2025 Category 1 ClubGRANTS are now open until 31 May 2025. For information on how to apply in future you can consult the ClubGRANTS funding guidelines available at To make an application, visit the Sutherland Shire Council website.
Category 2 – is for other community development and support services, for example support for local sport and recreation groups, room hire waivers and other miscellaneous donations. This category of applications is open year-round and are made directly to Club Central Menai through the ClubGRANTs application platform. The Category 2 applications will open in the first quarter of 2025.
Category 3 – a state-wide pool where 0.4% of a club’s gaming machine profits over $1 million is directed to support large scale sport, health and community infrastructure. This category is administered by ClubNSW – visit the Office of Responsible Gambling website for more information (
Background on ClubGRANTS
The ClubGRANTS scheme (formerly Community Development Support Expenditure or CDSE) was introduced in 1998 by the NSW Government and allows clubs to claim a tax deduction of up to 2.25% on gaming machine revenue over $1 million for monies spent on community support.
The program specifically recognises the valuable role played by registered clubs in their local communities and provides the NSW Government with an effective method of rewarding clubs for the support they provide to these communities.
Clubs that earn over $1 million annually in gaming machine revenue provide funding for community projects and services, and in turn receive dollar-for-dollar gaming tax deductions.
ClubsNSW Role
ClubsNSW does not directly provide Club GRANTS funding. Its role in the scheme is at a policy and co-ordination level. ClubGRANTS funding is provided by registered clubs.
Successful applicants are required to submit a closing report to the club upon completion of the project. Applicants should note that clubs and local committees will not consider further funding requests unless an acquittal or progress report has been received from the organisation that received funding. More information on reporting requirements is available
ClubGRANTS Enquiries
You can also contact ClubsNSW for more information on the ClubGRANTS process or visit
1300 730 001